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Testimonies of Healing

When I take a retrospective glance at the blessings...

From the March 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I take a retrospective glance at the blessings received through this new, yet old, gospel of healing, I find they are more than can be numbered.

When I first came to Christian Science for help, I sought freedom from physical suffering only. I had tried almost every known remedy,—surgical, electrical, etc.,—and then, when my physician could give me no hope of recovery, I turned to Christian Science. The first thought I gained under its teaching was that medicines contain no healing properties whatever, apart from what human belief bestows on them; that God created and governs all. My healing was not rapid, and required much patience on the part of the demonstrator.

I will mention some of the troubles I have been freed from. I was a threat sufferer from insomnia; my rest is now calm and peaceful. I was also healed of the most fatal type of diphtheria in less than three weeks. Since then of a severe attack of paralysis, and am now just as active as if I had never been thus afflicted.

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