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Testimonies of Healing

With heartfelt gratitude I desire to make known to...

From the March 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With heartfelt gratitude I desire to make known to the world my liberation from one of the most relentless foes to mankind, locomotor ataxia. I had been slowly but surely growing worse and consequently more despondent and discouraged, when I heard of a neighbor who was being healed of paralysis by Christian Science. After seeing and conversing with him, he giving me a history of his case, I decided to try what this strange teaching had in store for me. I arranged to go with him to the healer, and it only required a few treatments to convince me that I would finally be healed, and I am now, after a few months' treatment, rejoicing in the realization of that glorious promise: "They shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." No one who has not been similarly afflicted can appreciate the joy it is to me to be free from that terrible bondage of mind and body; but a greater joy than all this is the knowledge of God which I have gained through the study of Science and Health. I have learned that it was not God's will that I should be afflicted and separated from my family.

Although a professing Christian for many years. I fully believed that it was His will that we should suffer and tried to get some comfort from the Biblical text, "Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth;" but the "little book" has revealed to me that this chastening pertains to the thought and affections. When these are chastened the body will manifest health and holiness (wholeness). Through this great boon to mankind, my Bible has become a new book to me, replete with promises that can be relied on. I have learned how to ask, knowing that I shall receive, and I do receive. I can cheerfully affirm that so-called incurable diseases can be cured by Christian Science, for which I am deeply grateful to its Discoverer and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy.—

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