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From the June 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The tenor of the Word shows that the supreme, creative, active power is a perfect God. If we believe and understand the Scriptures we shall know that the terms omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence apply to this infinite creative power; and since we know there can be no creation, expression, or action without intelligence, all will readily admit the synonym of Intelligence, Mind, to be applicable to Deity.

Christians may unite in thought on this point, but a wide divergence exists between Christian Science and other religions when we examine their concept of the quality, nature, and character of this infinite Mind, which is God.

In past centuries, during which the world has wearily waited to be delivered from its woes, religionists have insistently declared that the knowledge of evil is a part of God's consciousness. Christian Science declares the character of this infinite Mind to be absolute, unlimited, unchangeable Good; and that on this basis rests the ultimate destruction of all the woes of mankind.

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