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From the June 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Concord (N. H.) Patriot

The building committee of the new $100,000 church which the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy has recently presented to the Christian Scientists of Concord, announce the gift from friends of Mrs. Eddy of the adjoining Chadbourne estate. This addition to the property presented by Mrs. Eddy will give the new church a beautiful and commodious location on which to erect their handsome Gothic edifice. The purchase price is not made public, but the owners some time since are understood to have refused $14,000 for the land and buildings. The names of the generous donors are not announced, but it is known that the prime movers are among the leading business men and capitalists of Boston, and their gift comes as a pleasant surprise to the revered leader as it does to the citizens and the local members of the church.

In addition to the above liberal gift, the building committee were greatly gratified to receive to-day a donation of $1,000 from First Church of Christ, Scientist, in New York City.—Concord (N. H.) Patriot.

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