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Testimonies of Healing

I Desire through the pages of the Journal to express...

From the June 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Desire through the pages of the Journal to express my love and gratitude to God and to our beloved Leader for her most precious gift to the world in our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and for each of her other books and publications, and the Christian Science periodicals, which are all valuable to us.

Words are utterly inadequate to express my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for all her years of patient toil and love for others and her pure life which made the revelation of this beautiful truth possible to her consciousness as God's messenger to the world.

Nearly five years ago a few thoughts of Christian Science were given me by an earnest Scientist, and these thoughts began to dispel the heavy cloud of gloom and discouragement which had settled down over me. One very painful and severe trouble was healed during my conversation with this Scientist, who later sent me a Journal together with "No and Yes" by Mrs. Eddy. This, my first Christian Science literature, was received thankfully and a few months later Science and Health was given me and read eagerly. I can truly and joyfully say this "little book" was my healer. To give but a faint idea of all that I owe to Christian Science I will mention a few of the "dream shadows," as Mrs. Eddy calls them in Science and Health, which have been dispelled through the understanding of this truth. If was through the love and interest of another kind Scientist that the book was purchased for me, and through whom my thought was turned to class instruction in Christian Science.

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