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From the January 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Boston Herald

NEW YORK, December 6, 1903. —Regarding the rumor that Christian Scientists are planning to establish a "New Jerusalem" on the ground occupied by New Harlem, in New York City, Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy has sent the following despatch to the New York World:--

"Over an article on the above subject published in the World, November 27, you said: 'The followers of Mrs. Eddy plan to establish a New Jerusalem there.' Allow me to state I knew nothing of the Harlem movement until recently when receiving a book written on the subject. Said book I have not read, and am not at all concerned in the history of New Harlem, or the building of a New Jerusalem, since, as I apprehend it, the New Jerusalem 'cometh down from heaven,' and is not an outcome of litigation. Christian Scientists are not, to my knowledge, interested in locating heaven, but in finding it within themselves."

Boston Herald

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