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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to bear testimony to the wonderful regenerative...

From the December 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to bear testimony to the wonderful regenerative influence of Truth in the purification of sense, or spiritual uplifting. The way has been long, covering a period of ten years, and there have been ups and downs, and times when I seemed to be standing still. But as I glance back over this time, and compare the old condition with the present one, I cannot help realizing with deep thankfulness the truly great progress I have made.

The old regime included bondage to a belief in personal magnetism, shown by an attraction towards certain individuals, and a feeling of repulsion towards others. This illusion brought forth a whole brood of sins, —selfishness, snobbishness, a wrong sense of brotherliness and love, and mental and moral slavery, making me subject to the thoughts and will of others. At that time I was a willing slave to the influence, but now I consider it to be an insidious, unclean form of mental thraldom. The fact that I believed I derived pleasure from it, made the reforming process slow.

Through all these years omnipotent Truth has been acting gently but surely. Its quality "is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven." I can truly say that the scales are falling from my eyes, —the seeming reality of this hateful belief is fading away; and in its place, as I come gradually into my rightful inheritance, spiritual sense, I am beginning to see the true origin and nature of man viz., that he is God's child, and consequentlyis not at the mercy of any miasmatic mental influences, but that on the contrary God alone guides and prompts him in thought, word, and deed.

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