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Testimonies of Healing

I was led into Christian Science five years ago through...

From the December 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was led into Christian Science five years ago through the healing of a sister, and the sweet proof of the leading of Truth and its effects upon her, both spiritual and physical, helped to bring us out of the labyrinths of mortal mind. To-day we rejoice to know that the world is progressing in the understanding of this blessed truth which is constantly being made manifest in the life and teachings of our beloved Leader, the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy.

My awakening to spiritual consciousness or the new birth in Christian Science came to me overwhelmingly as I realized that "The realm of the real is spiritual" (Science and Health, p. 27). Through earnest endeavor and the study of our text-book, Science and Health, and all the other writings of Mrs. Eddy, together with our precious Bible, blessings untold have been our portion. My husband has also accepted this truth and our little daughter, now three years old, is a picture of perfect health. A serious ailment, during her second summer, which manifestedvarious complications, was healed in one treatment. Through this little one several others have been led to accept Christian Science. It is beautiful to watch her give out this truth that she has imbibed. Words can never express my joy in "The Mother's Evening Prayer" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 38). The realization of His "gentle presence, peace and joy and power," have comforted me and the little one, as, night after night, she is put to rest with this sweet song on her lips.

Following with tardier steps and some meanderings my mother also is now listening to Truth and Love, and thus at last our home is harmonious. Again and again has been proved to us the allness of good and the" nothingness of evil, and we recognize our Father's leading all the way.

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