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Testimonies of Healing

When I was a boy I had typhoid fever, and it left me with...

From the December 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was a boy I had typhoid fever, and it left me with what doctors call nerve weakness. When I grew to manhood this weakness caused me to have heart and stomach trouble. I spent about ten years, off and on, looking for help, tried as many as ten different physicians, some of whom were noted specialists in different parts of this country, without any permanent benefit. I was very much discouraged after I had spent hundreds of dollars without any real benefit. My occupation was that of a contractor and builder, and I was told that I ought to do something else,— that this business caused me much worry. Being handy as a draftsman I studied architecture and was quite successful but when I had a good start, had the confidence of the people and everything ready for success, this old trouble came again, and it seemed that the very pangs of hell were upon me. I was forced to leave the office and go to work at something else, so I took a position as salesman. I then came in contact with people who had been healed in Christian Science and I started to investigate it. Later on, my sister was healed in Science of stomach trouble of long standing, and I then studied Science and Health. This book was indeed to me a key to the Scriptures, as well as a Science of Health. All my old symptoms disappeared like dew before the sun,— everything seemed to go well, and I told almost every one I met of this wonderful truth.

One night my little nephew was taken ill very suddenly, and I was asked to treat him. I was very much frightened because I was not far enough advanced in Christian Science, and I used will power instead of relying upon the divine Mind. The result was that I seemed to be deprived of my health again.— all my old symptoms came back to me. I was so low that I could not go to a practitioner, therefore I sent for one and got immediate relief, but was not able to go to work for nine weeks. I became discouraged and started for a doctor, but thought, I had tried all material remedies in the past without any benefit and had been helped in Science before, why not now? In this time of trouble and despair I prayed earnestly to God to lead me in the truth. I accepted God as my only physician, and my recovery, though very slow, was sure. I was comforted and guided day by day by my Saviour. I know that Christian Science is the truth, and Jesus said. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." I was made free as fast as I apprehended the divine law that in God's kingdom there is no sickness, and that man in His image and likeness has no suffering. That "Love's work and Love must fit," was proved to me in this demonstration, though mortal mind said, "You will never get well." But, thanks be to God, by the help of my faithful practitioner and a struggle on my own part, sickness, sin, yes, the shadow of death, was overcome by this wonderful revelation and the understanding of divine Truth. What peace and comfort comes to the weary heart when we learn that our great Master, our Wayshower, still stands with outstretched arms of love, calling to us, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.'' I am sure that, with me, all those whom Satan hath bound lo, these many years, may indeed rejoice in this blessed truth wherein we are made free. The physical healing is but a small item, however, compared to the spiritual uplifting that comes to us.

It is now ten mouths since I started to work after being so sick. I have worked hard and have not lost one day on account of sickness since I started. It required in my case, an unfoldment of the divinely sustained capacities of man, and a clearing away of ignorance, prejudice, and blind belief. I am truly grateful to Mrs. Eddy and to my practitioner, and I worship God with all my understanding.

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