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From the December 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[We are very glad to give a prominent place to the following letter. —Eds.]

To the Editors.

Our beloved Leader directs that in her behalf you notify, through the Christian Science periodicals, the dear friends, students, patients, churches, and all who have contributions for the Building Fund of the new Mother Church kindly to send their money direct to the Treasurer, instead of sending it to Concord. The clerical force at Pleasant View is not adequate to give the voluminous correspondence thus entailed the attention it deserves. The Pastor Emeritus is glad to note the growing interest in the new building project and bids God-speed to the enterprise. She knows of the ingathering of the funds by the reports that "the walls are rising into view," and thanking one and all for the generosity, self-sacrifice, and benevolence manifested to build the house, she will greatly appreciate the relief which will result from an obedient regard for this simple request.

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