I have been too long in expressing, through our publications, my gratitude for the "newness of life" which has been vouchsafed to me through Christian Science. Many times I had refused so much as to see a Christian Scientist, but at last I yielded to my husband's earnest entreaty, and consented to receive one and talk about the Science. I did not, however, for one moment believe that Christian Science would heal my body, and I did not even know that it claimed to bring happiness to the mind. Over thirty doctors had done their loyal best for me during sixteen years, and had completely failed to give me more than temporary alleviation from suffering. A severe accident when out hunting had been shortly followed by a long attack of fever, from which the doctors had not expected me to recover. Later much illness beset my path, and finally another very bad accident caused such serious injury that I could no longer bear up under the weight of the accumulated burden. I had then seen another specialist and asked him whether there was any hope. His answer, most kindly given, was, "You have tried every remedy known to medical science." And yet, so wonderful is the saving power of Truth; so almighty is the might of Mind, that after receiving treatment for a few weeks from a Christian Scientist, I left the bed to which I had been almost wholly confined during the last year. In a few months I was up in London, and during that winter I went everywhere, traveling constantly in omnibus and train. Before studying Christian Science, my last journey up to London (only six miles from my home) had been made upon a mattress, the horses almost at a walk all the way; my destination being a nursing home. After studying Christian Science for about nine months, I was able to take all the exercise that I wished.
To one who had for years been quite hopeless and well nigh helpless, this was a change so wonderful that it would seem that life could hardly hold a greater joy. And yet, all along the line, hand in hand with my new-found health, has come something better—great peace of mind—some measure indeed of that peace "which passeth all understanding," and which most surely comes in exact ratio to our understanding of God. In time I learned that this calm which ruled my life from within had many names besides its beautiful name of peace; and one day I stood in silent awe before the actuality, the reality of Life and learned that God is Mind. Later I learned that God is Love—the "Alpha and Omega, the first and the last." Now I know that Love and Life and Truth are one. Thus reason touches the hem of revelation and unfolds to the waiting thought some measure of the glory of the Trinity—the Three in One; the One in Three, co-equal, co-eternal, forever indivisible good, even God. Thus there comes, to the loyal student of Christian Science, the knowledge of that one and only God who, being all-presence, all-power, and all substance can never be displaced. For does He not reign supreme throughout the endless now of all eternity—the one intelligence; the only Mind; even the great I am?
Can any wonder that I thank God for Christian Science and for Mrs. Eddy? I was grateful to nurse and doctor. They did not help me; but I was grateful to them for their honest effort. Is it not therefore reasonable that I should be most grateful to Mrs. Eddy, who has succeeded where others failed? God gave her the glad tidings and she has most faithfully delivered them to the sinning, suffering millions. I thank God again and again for those words which are a revelation of Truth. They are immortal, and must, by reason of their immortality, bring forth fruit in due season.