Five years have gone by since I first heard of Christian Science, and when I think of all the blessings I have received, I want to give thanks for all the good that has come to me. From earliest childhood I was delicate and a constant worry to my mother. When a young girl this condition developed into several chronic troubles—nerve, throat, and stomach diseases. For many years I was afflicted with spasms in the stomach, and I could partake of hardly any food without suffering from it. My physicians stated that I also had chronic laryngitis. I often had one cold right after another, and only during the warmest time of the year was I free from cough, and never free from pain in the throat. Diseases appeared in many forms to torment me, yet all this seemed less unbearable than my worst enemy, insomnia, with which I was afflicted for twenty years, and which drove me almost to despair.
All available material means were tried, until my physicians saw that all had failed. They informed me of this as kindly as possible, and dismissed me. I then turned to the so-called natural method of healing, to which I adhered for six years, only to have it end in failure. Again I turned to medicine, and used the strongest kinds, such as morphine and sulphite, in as large doses as they dared to administer to induce sleep, until my nerves seemed to be completely ruined. At that time I did not believe it possible that I could ever find help. I was becoming unable to work, and my life was a burden to me and mine. I often asked myself in bitterness why God punished me so terribly.
In this distressing condition 1 heard for the first time of Christian Science. Friends wrote me that it was the rediscovery of the Christ-healing, but this seemed almost too good to be true. I then heard that there were Christian Scientists in Dresden, and I began to attend their services, which soon engaged my attention. Here I heard that God is all-powerful, and all-present good, and that His law is the law of health, happiness, harmony, and peace. I heard that God is the natural and only healer of all our diseases, and that He is able and willing to redeem mankind from all evil with which false belief has burdened them, and I asked for treatment. My healing was slow, but I had small demonstrations from the first which showed me that I was in the right way, and this enabled me to adhere to the truth, with a growing understanding of man's relation to God. One disease after another left me, and to-day I can say with a grateful and joyful heart that I am completely healed. I am also free from my worst enemy, insomnia. I am stronger than ever before in my life, and Christian Science has made me a well, happy, and contented woman.