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Testimonies of Healing

With my heart overflowing with gratitude to God, and...

From the March 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With my heart overflowing with gratitude to God, and to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker G. Eddy, I give this testimony of healing through Christian Science. I had been a sufferer for many years, and there seemed to be no hope of my recovery. I had consulted the best physicians in the State, some of whom pronounced my afflictions incurable. I had five operations performed in the course of fourteen years, the last one requiring an hour and forty-five minutes. I asked the doctors attending me whether I would be well after this terrible experience, and they expressed a hope that I would enjoy better health, for a short time at any rate. In spite of all the operations, together with kind and careful treatment on the part of the physicians, my family, and friends, I continued to grow worse, and was advised to go to a hospital at San Antonio, Texas, for the purpose of undergoing another operation. I was told that I would have to remain there three months, in order to be treated, before the operation could be performed. Let any one think of the terrible sufferings, yes, agonies, which I had experienced without relief. No! I would not submit to another operation; the sufferings and terrors of the past rose before me like a nightmare of pain and misery. At last a gleam of hope came to me in the person of an eminent specialist from the East. I consulted this man, and he assured me that my physical condition would not permit of another operation; that it would positively hasten death, and that I could live only a few months more.

With a heavy heart I hastened home. I had not long to wait. A brother of mine and his dear wife, who reside in Kansas City, Mo., came to Texas just at the time when I had given up all hope, and they persuaded me to go with them to Kansas City for the purpose of taking Christian Science treatment. My condition was very serious; the main trouble was cancer (internal), which might have been traced to an hereditary origin. I was also afflicted with rheumatism from my early childhood; while heart trouble and nervousness caused great uneasiness at times.

In this condition Christian Science found me. My healing was slow, and I wish to tell those who take treatment and who do not receive immediate relief, not to be discouraged, for "patience must 'have her perfect work'." I. was under treatment several months, and was entirely cured of all these ailments and am now strong and well. All this was ten years ago, and since then, my family and I have not used a drop of medicine of any kind. I am thankful to say that I have also led others out of darkness into the blessed light of Truth. Many beautiful demonstrations in Christian Science have been made in our home. My daily prayer is to be perfect in the sight of God; that I may follow our dear Leader as closely as she follows Christ, and do the works our Master bade us do. The Bible, and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," are my daily guides. While acknowledging my gratitude to God, and my love to our dear Leader for our text-book, I also wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings received through the Journal and Sentinel.

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