I was confined to my bed for three months with varicose veins and heart trouble. My physician told me that an operation for the removal of a portion of the vein was necessary, but I had a great fear of the knife, so consulted another physician, who advised me to hold myself in readiness to go at any moment, as the condition of my heart indicated that I was liable to die instantly. I could not sleep or rest, and tried to feel that it would be all right to die and leave my husband and children. About that time I had a letter from my sister living in Louisiana, asking me why I did not try Christian Science. I had heard of it, but had given it little thought. As my dear sister, who was not at that time a Scientist, now proposed it, I was willing at once to give it a trial. A friend loaned me her copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and I began to study it. It seemed at first a trifle hard to understand, but soon light began to pour in upon me and I could feel the power of Truth. I was happy, and could rest, sleeping as soundly as a child. I soon began to improve. I also employed a practitioner and took absent treatment for two weeks. I soon began to sit up, putting my feet to the floor, and then walking about a little each day. My healing came as I gradually awoke to the understanding of God's ever-present help. Our text-book was indeed a "Key to the Scriptures" for me. I seemed enfolded in divine Love as never before. It is now about a year since I came into Christian Science, and I enjoy good health, being able to do my housework, etc.
Christian Science has done much more than restore me to health. It has taught me to demonstrate for others, as well as for myself, that God is Love and an ever-present help. Mrs. Eddy has taught us that God is here instead of in a far-away heaven, and for this I am grateful to our dear Leader.—Nunica, Mich.