In 1899, after the birth of a daughter, my wife did not progress; but grew weaker every day. A physician was constantly attending to her, and at last I was informed that she had some internal trouble, which would require an operation. It was decided for him to come the next day at two o'clock in the afternoon and bring another physician to assist him. My wife had practically been kept under the influence of morphine for two weeks and her condition was considered very serious.
I did not then know anything about Christian Science, but a dear friend of ours heard of my wife's condition, and learning of the intended operation, mentioned Christian Science, and how it had helped her brother and other persons whom she knew. I at once became interested, and inquired where I could go to get help. She directed me to a practitioner and I did not lose any time in going to see her, for it was to save my wife from the operating table. I called upon the lady and told her my trouble. She was like an angel to me. It seemed that goodness just beamed from her countenance. After a few minutes I decided to leave the case with God and with her.
After an absent treatment my wife went to sleep, slept for six hours, and awoke quite refreshed. I had made arrangements with the practitioner to bring my wife to her office the next day at noon if it were possible. Just think! The doctors were coming to operate at two o'clock of the same day, for I had not told than not to come, as I wanted to see what would be the result of the Christian Science treatment. At the time appointed the carriage was ready and my wife dressed, with a great deal of remonstrance from the nurse and her attendant. We carried her from the bed to the carriage and from the carriage to the practitioner's office, and after one treatment, in an hour, my wife walked out from that office, refused to return in the carriage, and walked for over a mile to her home, arriving just before the two physicians appeared at the door. I apologized for not having informed them, and at once told them what had been done. I received a scolding for taking so great a risk, but she was healed.