One short year ago my acquaintance with Christian Science began through the healing of a day's illness, and the grain of truth which entered my consciousness through this apparently slight healing, was the beginning of a better, happier life. I can hardly recognize my state of mind today as compared with that of a year ago. I am "lost in wonder, love, and praise," as I review what Christian Science has been to me. Truly "old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new"!
I readily, hungrily accepted Christian Science, and became a willing "student, hence my emergence from the ignorance of material darkness into the affluent light of Truth has been rapid. The understanding of this truth has enabled me to cast out many old mortal beliefs, to learn to love more my fellow-men, and to see Christ, Truth, as the source of all good. Many gracious demonstrations have marked the year, and a sweet sense of security fills my consciousness with a joy unspeakable. I have indeed much for which to thank God and our dear Leader, and am seeking to make my life exemplify the teachings of Christian Science.—Denver, Col.