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From the September 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE true attitude of Christian Scientists towards materia medica and its practitioners is not always correctly apprehended. On the contrary, it is quite generally misunderstood by that large majority who have not taken the pains to inform themselves accurately on the subject.

While Christian Science opposes drug medication, it entertains no prejudice whatsoever against those who conscientiously administer drugs to others. In common fairness it recognizes that a very large proportion of the medical fraternity is made up of men and women who are scholarly in their attainments, who are earnest and faithful in their professional duties, and who are devoting their lives to a sincere effort to alleviate sickness and suffering.

In considering this subject the fact should not be lost sight of that many of the adherents of Christian Science have become such within the last score of years, that a still larger number have become such adherents within the last decade, and that great numbers are constantly and steadily adding to its strength and meaning as a great historical movement. It should also be remembered that this augmenting host is recruited from the users of drugs, whose experiences with them have either been unsatisfactory or worse than unsatisfactory. These recruits come up to the average standard, at least, for intelligence, respectability, and good citizenship. They are conscientiously facing opposition and proscription, which in many instances is excessively unpleasant, because of their religious conviction and despite the fact that the effects of Christian Science teaching is admitted even by their opponents to be in the direction of better living. It must further be remembered that through the revival of the Christ-method of dealing with physical sicknesses as an active and positive factor in modern life, the demonstration that this method is scientific and practical, Christian Science has not only brought priceless blessings to innumerable lives and homes which materia medica has confessedly been unable to help, but it has also discovered to the future generations of our race, as well as to the present, one of the great boons of Christianity which had become a mere vague and impractical tradition. The evidence supporting the practical works already accomplished through the ministry of Christian Science, in overcoming sin, sickness, etc., is of such a quality and volume that it reaches the high-water mark of proof, so far as human testimony can make proof. Indeed there is no historical fact which is established by more satisfactory and incontrovertible evidence, and all would concede that the restoration of the method of overcoming sin, sickness, etc., which was taught, exemplified, and commanded by Jesus to his followers of all times and lands, is of a value which it would be impossible to overstate in confirming men's faith in unadulterated and undivided Christianity.

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