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From the September 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.—Paul

THE human mind is deeply stirred to-day with the longing for better things, for honesty, righteousness, freedom; the aspiration for spirituality is abroad in the whole world, and the crumbling of an effete scholastic theology which for centuries has hampered spiritual progress, is one of the pregnant signs of the times. Trials for heresy, revisions of creeds, expurgations of such old hymns from the church hymnals as "Hark from, the tomb a doleful sound," evidence that risen hope—a day-star of Truth—is shining on the horizon of faith and understanding. Christ Jesus is being recognized as the normal man—in origin, works, and destiny. Dr. Crapsey's position, the denial of the supernatural, is the intellectual and logical sequence of any system based on the reality of matter and the material origin of man and the universe; it is the inevitable result of belief in material evolution, or indeed of any recognition of matter.

The points involved in Dr. Crapsey's trial are his repudiation of the virgin birth, the physical resurrection, and the final ascension of Jesus Christ. This is a deeply vital subject and we cannot be surprised that it has occasioned such wide comment in this and other countries. The Church must face this great problem. The world is too much awake to be satisfied any longer with mystery or with agnosticism; we must face bravely this sublime statement of Christianity and the vital points involved. There must be, and there is, an answer to and solution of this great question. The impossible never happens, never has happened; whatever has been, can be again, and must be natural, normal, and demonstrable to progressive humanity.

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