Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy has just received an exquisitely beautiful work of art, in the form of a bas-relief of herself in marble, done by William Frederick Pope, the Boston sculptor. This was Mr. Pope's last work and was an expression of the genuine regard in which he held Mrs. Eddy. The bas-relief was presented to Mrs. Eddy by Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. H. Blood of Winthrop Highlands, Mass.
Prominent art critics, who have viewed this work, have agreed in pronouncing it of the highest artistic merit, and all have been impressed by the wonderful beauty, purity, and spirituality which the artist has succeeded in manifesting. The bas-relief, which is a full profile showing the right side of the face, is also an excellent likeness, which has the unquestioned merit of growing upon one the more carefully he studies the sculptured features.
Mrs. Eddy's characteristic letter to Mr. and Mrs. Blood is as follows:—