Ten years ago I was a very ill woman with scarcely any hope of recovery. For thirteen years I had been subject to attacks of stomach trouble and had gradually given up eating all kinds of solid food from fear of the suffering which I endured. For three months I had been getting thinner and weaker, so that it seemed I had very little longer to live. At last my doctor, finding he could not help me, advised me to try Christian Science. We knew little or nothing about it, but my family sent to a young friend of ours who had been healed of the same trouble by Christian Science, asking her to come and see me. She came at once, gave me a treatment, and talked to me. Of all that she said, what impressed me most was the statement that it was not God's will that I should be sick and suffer. She regretted that she could not come again to see me, as she was to leave the next day for Quebec, but she lent me a copy of Science and Health and told me how to procure one for myself. She then told me to get out of bed, to go down to luncheon, to eat anything I wanted and all I wanted. It sounded like madness to me, as I had been so long without solid food; but I was starving, and as love of life is strong I did what she told me. To my surprise I did not suffer afterwards and was completely cured. From that day till now I have never consulted a doctor or taken any medicine. I might add that I am now sixty-eight years old.
I wish to express my gratitude to God for the many blessings I have received, and to Mrs. Eddy, who has enabled us to understand Christ's mission on earth.
Halifax, N. S.