I was a great sufferer for two years with kidney and bladder trouble. I was under the care of physicians all the time, but received no relief except as they would administer morphine. I was a complete wreck. I also had a growth which had troubled me for several years, and which one doctor wished to operate upon, but I would not give my consent. None of my friends thought I would live, and I do not think I should had I not finally heard of Christian Science. Through a Christian Science practitioner who came to our town a lady was raised from what seemed to be her death-bed, and in thirty-six hours was able to go to Boston. I applied for treatment and was healed in about three weeks, so that I went to work, and I have had no trouble in that way since. This was fifteen years ago. I at once accepted Science as the truth taught by Jesus nineteen hundred years ago, and have been trying to follow its teachings ever since. I wish to say that the growth disappeared, and has never troubled me since. I was also cured of several minor ailments, and was made a well man.
For all this I am profoundly grateful and hope I may be found worthy of the many blessings which have come to me and mine, for my family have been greatly benefited by this great truth.—Milford, N. H.