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From the February 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE question is sometimes asked, Why is it that some persons are healed by Christian Science treatment so much more quickly than other persons, even when the cases seem to be almost identical? The Christian Science practitioner has learned through experience that no two cases are quite alike; each case is necessarily an individual claim of error presenting its own particular beliefs and fears, and must, therefore, be treated as separate and distinct from all other cases. This fact makes it impossible that any formula can be successfully used in Christian Science treatment.

At the World's Fair in 1904 the writer saw a demonstration of wireless telegraphy. The demonstrator explained that according to the basic law governing wireless telegraphy it was absolutely necessary that the receiving instrument should be in perfect harmony with the transmitting instrument, that both should be attuned exactly alike. He further explained that when a message was flashed out from the transmitter it was received by all those instruments which were in harmony with it and was retransmitted to the point for which it was ultimately intended. He stated also that the message could not be received by those instruments which were not in perfect accord with the instrument from which the message was sent, and that even though such instruments might record the fact that a message was being sent, yet they could not translate or interpret the message. This seems to illustrate, though perhaps inadequately, the necessity in the ministry of Christian Science for conditions of harmony and receptivity between the practitioner and patient, and that both should be attuned to the divine Principle, God.

In the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, page 299, this thought is given: "Angels are divine ministrations,—not messengers nor persons, but the true ideas of divinity." In order that we may be able to understand and interpret these ministrations, these messages from God, it is necessary that our thought should be in accord with God; in other words, we should be looking to God for help and earnestly expecting to receive it. In proportion as these harmonious conditions exist and are brought out in individual daily living, is mankind attaining conditions of greater receptivity to Truth, and a consequently increased ability to demonstrate its healing power. When one goes to a Christian Science practitioner for help it should be with the expectation of complete healing and the recognition of the fact that all "power belong unto God." Every practitioner of Christian Science knows that he can of himself accomplish nothing; that all he can do is to point out to his patient that which God has already established, and that this includes eternal harmony and perfection for mankind. The psalmist said, "In thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them." In Genesis we read, "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." This would seem to imply that God's creation is finished. There remains, therefore, nothing that is incomplete or that requires a further creation. What is necessary, then, is that we may become conscious of this completeness and of man's harmonious relation to it. One reason why some persons are not more quickly healed is because they look too much to the personality of the practitioner and not enough to God.

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