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From the February 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[From the Cosmopolitan.]

Editorial Note.— While it is never an easy matter to arrive at an impartial, unprejudiced opinion upon any subject, the case of Christian Science presents some peculiar difficulties. Its beliefs are continually attacked and ridiculed by some species of humorists as well as by those whose interests are affected by the spread of its doctrines. The writings of its adherents have a quality that is undoubtedly obscure and confusing to the mind of the "outsider." The isolation of its Founder has furnished much striking "copy" for the daily press. Assertions and denials fill column after column, until it is impossible to feel that few, if any, real facts have been established.

From all the controversy, however, there stands out one fact which even the bitterest enemies of its doctrines cannot in fairness deny, and this is that Christian Science has unquestionably lessened the tragedy of life for many thousands of persons. A matter with so important a bearing upon human happiness can neither be lightly brushed aside with ridicule nor in other ways ignored. It is not the purpose of the Cosmopolitan to assist in the propaganda of Christian Science, but in the face of recent attacks upon its Leader and its beliefs, we feel that an impartial estimate from one who has experienced benefit from the practice of its principles may not be unwelcome to those who are willing and anxious to give a free and open mind to the judgment of its claims.

Mr. Klein, the distinguished author of the greatest successes of the past two theatrical seasons, who contributes the following article, has adopted the principles of Christian Science for his own health and happiness. He has related elsewhere his experience with Christian Science. Speaking of his attitude toward life and the consequences of that attitude before he investigated this Science, he says: —

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