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Testimonies of Healing

It is with gratitude I hereby relate the story of my...

From the February 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with gratitude I hereby relate the story of my healing through the truth as revealed in Christian Science and given to the world by Mrs. Eddy. I contended for a number of years with a severe illness, and consulted several medical doctors, whose names can be given at any time. They each told me I was in a very critical condition, and diagnosed my case as kidney disease; but in spite of their confidence in telling me what was the matter, they all failed to heal me, and I steadily grew worse, until one after another of them predicted that I could last but a very short time. During my husband's absence from the city for a few days, one of these physicians, deeming it his duty to impress upon my husband the seriousness of my case and fearing that I might not live till his return, telegraphed him, advising him to come home at once. Another physician, at another time, wrote to my husband, advising him not to remain any longer away from home than was absolutely necessary, telling him that I might expire at any time and at best could not last very long.

Having heard of some wonderful healing that was being accomplished through Christian Science, I decided to try what could be done for me, and I have occasion to express more gratitude than words can ever convey for the wonderful healing and spiritual uplifting that has come to me through this blessed revelation of Truth. The evidence in my case proved the liability of materia medica to give an incorrect diagnosis, and the superiority of Christian Science in ascertaining what needs to be overcome in a case, as well as the potency of the Word of Truth to unclasp the hold of disease. Instead of my having a disease of either the kidneys or bladder, as diagnosed by the medical doctors, an abnormal growth came away from the uterus under Christian Science treatment. My husband submitted a portion of this growth to one of the physicians who had attended me, and he substantially admitted that they had been mistaken in their diagnosis. Since then (a period of sixteen years) I have had no more trouble, and am a very well woman indeed, having been spared to raise my family of then small children, and each day thanking God for Christian Science.—

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