From childhood I had a very weak constitution, being subject to frequent colds and stomach trouble. Being very ambitious for an education, I continued my studies against great odds until my college course was completed, when the condition of my health prevented me from taking up my cherished occupation. For seven years I was forced to give up all work, and during the last five years my condition was such that I was unable to be up for an entire day. In the mean time I took treatment of two physicians in our own town, was for several weeks in a sanitarium where electrical treatment was given, also took massage and osteopathic treatment. My case was finally placed in the hands of an Indianapolis specialist, who upon consultation with another specialist in the same city diagnosed my case as a serious affection of the eyes, with its accompanying heart trouble, also disease of the lungs and bowels. My eyes were in such a weakened condition that for ten years I had been unable to read at night, even with the aid of glasses, and for two years could read but ten minutes a day. The doctors pronounced my case hopeless, one of them telling a member of my family that my death might be expected at any moment.
About this time a friend who is not a Scientist suggested that I give Christian Science a trial. I had bitterly antagonized what I thought Christian Science to be, believing that only the most ignorant people ever took it up ; but realizing that my case was hopeless from the standpoint of materia medica, and having just enough faith in Christian Science to try it, I began taking treatment of a practitioner in the fall of 1905. To my surprise I found that Christian Science is the gospel of Christ Jesus in its entirety. I soon learned that I must give up my hatred for God and man if I desired peace of mind and body, but it was a ten-weeks struggle with ignorance, prejudice, and pride before the physical healing was completed. For the past two years I have had better health than at any time during my life. I am grateful for the physical healing, but that is the least part of it, for I have been greatly helped spiritually. I found that the Bible, when interpreted in the light of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," contained treasures not dreamed of before. I have also had the joy of helping others, at least in some small degree.
Franklin, Ind.