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From the October 1908 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Publishing Society has been asked by some subscribers to the Quarterly to trim down their copies to the size of the pocket edition of Science and Health, and, in order to meet this demand, trimmed copies of this size —4½ x 6½— will be furnished on application, provided the request is made at the time of submitting the original order or subscription, or when subscription is renewed. The Publishing Society cannot undertake to cut down returned Quarterlies or those covered by partially expired subscriptions. In filling orders from Reading Rooms, the regular size will always be sent unless the number required of each size is designated in the order.

Quarterly covers in black seal leather fitted for the two sizes of the Quarterly will be offered for sale at the following prices: —

Regular size, 5¼ x 7¾, $1.25 each or $12.50 per dozen.

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