Previous to three years ago, at which time I began the study of Christian Science, I was constantly in a state of ill health and wretchedness, never knowing what peace of mind was. For over three years I suffered all the pangs of an aggravated form of nervous and bowel trouble, the strongest medicines known being administered without any relief whatever. With my misery increasing, and no relief from materia medica, mental depression became very pronounced. At this time Christian Science was presented to me and I was taken to a practitioner. In fourteen treatments the bowel condition was entirely removed. After the fourth treatment I was able to lay aside glasses that I had worn for eight years. While the rest of my healing was rather slow, I rejoiced to see wrong mental conditions and attitudes pass away, and be replaced with love and gratitude, so that to-day I am perfectly well.
I have had many practical demonstrations of the power of Christian Science, and while I am thankful for my mental and physical healing, I am most grateful for the spiritual uplifting. I thank God daily that we have a dear Leader who has shown us the way so patiently and lovingly.—Chicago, Ill.