I came into Christian Science broken in health and with no hope of ever being any better. My case had been pronounced hopeless by physicians, who ordered a change of climate as a last resort. I came from a high altitude in Colorado to California, but steadily grew worse instead of better.
Nearly a year ago I began to take treatment in Christian Science, and I improved from the first treatment. I have been helped of asthmatic trouble of twenty years' standing, the attacks becoming less and less frequent and each of a less violent nature. I have been cured of heart trouble, said to be organic. Before my healing I would not have dared even to walk rapidly, but recently I ran two blocks to catch a train and felt no inconvenience either with my breathing or my heart. I have been cured of a worrying disposition, and this means so much to me. There have been many demonstrations of healing in my family recently, and I cannot express my gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me.
As I write this these words of our Saviour come to me: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," together with Mrs. Eddy's words of reassurance (Science and Health, p. 494), "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need."