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Testimonies of Healing

The benefits which Christian Science has brought to me...

From the November 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The benefits which Christian Science has brought to me are so many, so great, that it would be impossible here to do more than hint at what I would like to say. For about eight years I had been a mental and physical wreck; I had no strength, and was almost afraid of my own shadow. I am considered a clear-headed business man, but I was so possessed with despair, during what I now call my delusion years, that even a business letter was for me out of the question. I was irritable, impatient, selfish, and upon slight provocation ill-tempered, with no consideration for others. All hope of better health had been given up and I was indeed in a melancholy plight. For years I had consulted the most eminent doctors and specialists in London, but all they did was to hand me over to the nurse, as I was said to be beyond cure. I may mention that I had been a church-member for over forty years, and was considered a religious and very orthodox man, but neither doctors nor church helped me in the hour of my need, so I received no lasting benefit. Such are a few hints of my mental and physical state when I began to study Christian Science.

About three years ago I had a long conversation with an educated lady whom I have. known for many years, and who had become a Christian Scientist. I promised her that I would read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, which I did forthwith. I read and reread it for many months, without prejudice, but with little or no faith that I should get any benefit. Like many others, in my ignorance I thought I knew all about Christian Science and had no need of teaching. Then I began to attend the Wednesday evening service, and this I did for about twelve months, when I began to apprehend the truth which God, through Christian Science, has revealed to me. It has truly been a revelation, bringing into my daily life sunshine and many blessings beyond words to express. I can but say that my gratitude to God overflows for the many new blessings I enjoy.

I can truly say that my private and public life have greatly changed, and no doubt for the better, as many I come in contact with daily would bear witness. I have now no worry, or even anxious thought, the dreams of past years have gone, and I have a wealth of peace and serenity of spirit with no limit. Perhaps the strongest point is that I have been back to business in London for over two years, and am in normal health, looking, I am told, twenty years younger than I did a few years ago. The evil is now cast out of thought, and I begin to have a clear view of what God's world is. I am still a student of Christian Science, and hope to add to this testimony later, but I can truthfully say that I have been changed from weakness to strength, from fear to love, from sickness to health, from earth to heaven.

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