I was a sufferer for thirty years from troubles which seemingly could not be cured, and complications from heart, nerves, and stomach, with frequent and severe headaches and rapidly failing eyesight, were always threatening me. I had been constantly under medical treatment, was a slave to the drug habit, and relying on some drug to induce sleep. I would occasionally have a complete collapse, and was always dreading an occurrence of this sort. I had endured so much that I was but a poor piece of humanity, mentally as well as physically. I then turned to Christian Science, and after the first treatment. I began to have hope. My recovery was steady, rapid, and complete. In six weeks I was well; and more, I had plenty of reserve strength, the consciousness of the ever-present source of health and strength.
The gratitude which I first felt for my healing is with me still, after more than three years have passed. I am constantly giving thanks in the days, and whenever I waken in the night-time, for the blessings and the joy which have come to me,—for the Christian Science literature which teaches the knowledge of God and His laws, and for dear, inspired Mrs. Eddy, who has shown us how to obtain the "peace of God, which passeth all understanding." If every one could know what a help Christian Science is each day, all would strive for it. Its teachings are beautiful and practical, and it seems to me the only desirable thing in the world. No medicine has been used in my family since I became interested; Truth has met all our needs.
Manchester, N. H.