In January. 1908, I contracted a severe cold and had a cough accompanied by very alarming symptoms. After a few days the pain in my lungs became so severe that my husband, who had been having the whole care of me, thought it best to call for help, although we had no fear for the result, knowing that divine Mind governs all. He called a practitioner of our acquaintance, and asked her to go to work immediately on the case. In a few minutes I began to breathe easier, fell into a quiet sleep, the first I had had for nearly a week, and in less than an hour, when I awoke, all sense of pain was gone and it never returned. The cough and hemorrhage were soon overcome, as were other complications, including extreme weakness, and in a short time I was about my household duties.
We feel very grateful to God, and to our dear Leader, for the wonderful revelation of this great truth that makes free.—St. Johnsbury, vt.