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Testimonies of Healing

With deep gratitude I offer my...

From the November 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With deep gratitude I offer my testimony to the healing efficacy of Truth as revealed through Christian Science. Four years ago, when I suffered an acute attack of lung trouble, I went to a Christian Science practitioner and was healed without losing one hour from business, despite very inclement weather and many increased labors due to the financial panic of that time. A brother, who was also stricken with the same illness, was confined to the house for three months under materia medica, and when able to get about, it was with a weakened heart and constant dependence on alcoholic stimulants; but he has since been healed through Christian Science treatment, and now has a glad story to tell. During my treatments, the taste for alcoholic drink was entirely destroyed. For years I had been a very heavy smoker, and I never lost an opportunity to satisfy this desire, and had no wish to give it up; but after I had treatment in Christian Science it soon became apparent that all the pleasure of this habit had disappeared, and never since have I desired or smoked tobacco. I was also healed of a chronic bowel disorder and so-called organic heart trouble.

Though I greatly rejoice in my release from these habits, and in my physical healing, I am far more grateful for the higher and better concept of life which these teachings have given to me. Through them, the Bible has become an interesting book and a practical daily help. I thank God for the healing word which has come to us in these times through our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who by her work has proven that "God selects for the highest service one who has grown into such a fitness for it as renders any abuse of the mission an impossibility" (Science and Health, p. 455).—

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