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Testimonies of Healing

As I have so often received help...

From the November 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As I have so often received help and a clearer understanding through the testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel, and realize that gratitude requires of us an acknowledgment of the benefits already received, I submit my testimony of what Christian Science has done for me. I came into Science gradually, attracted by the joy and light manifested by the Christian Scientists I had known. I did not, however, realize how great was my need of the healing truth when I first attended the meetings.

At this time (the autumn of 1905) I was attending the State University in Minneapolis, and had occasion to have some dental work done. After several visits the dentist declined to do anything more for me, as several times I became so faint that he could not continue the work. He recommended that I take treatment from some competent physician for heart trouble and then come back; but I did not do this, as I felt that a drug would have no marked effect. I had always considered the difficulty as something temperamental, and I know now that it was the manifestation of a sense of fear which at times amounted almost to panic. This false belief took different forms,— fear of persons, fear of a lack of supply, or fear of the loss of friends. I therefore disregarded the dentist's advice, and continued my work at the university without serious difficulty, finishing with my class in 1906; but in April or May of that year, worry over a position gained such hold over me that one afternoon I suffered from severe headache.

I had frequently attended the Wednesday evening meetings, and had heard of the wonderful things which the Christ, Truth, had done for others, so, impelled by a desire to test the truth, I went to the home of a practitioner and asked for treatment, after telling her of the worry which seemed to have caused the trouble. She closed her eyes, and I knew that she was praying; afterward she declared the truth audibly for a few moments, and told me that I would not be troubled with the headache any more. Six years have passed since then, and I have been a continuous student of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Physical ills have manifested themselves, but the application of the divine Principle has always won the victory.

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