I am glad to say that Christian Science has done me much good. About eighteen months ago I was a wreck in more than one way, for I had come through a great sorrow, besides which my health and strength had failed me. I had tried medicine for years, my trouble being a general breakdown of the whole system. I was like an old man, though I was only forty-eight years old. I could do no work, as my heart was so weak I had to lie down several times each day. Finally I turned to Christian Science, as a last resort. I took absent treatment for two months, got a copy of Science and Health, also the Sentinel, and today I am happy and well. I was very busy last summer, so I was not able to read my Sentinels as fast as they came, but I laid them up and read each one after a while. I shall always be loyal to Christian Science, and am very grateful for what it has done for me.— Alpha, Ore.

Testimonies of Healing
I am glad to say that Christian...
From the April 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal