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Testimonies of Healing

The understanding of the governing...

From the April 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The understanding of the governing Principle of the universe and man, in connection with certain business events, brought to my consciousness, through a late experience, the reliance which may be placed on God's law, made available to human need through Christian Science. At the death of my husband it was found that an insurance policy, made out to one who in the interim had died, had not been transferred to me as I had supposed, for I had misunderstood my husband's directions and had failed to attend to his instructions in the matter. I needed the money, and knowing that my husband had meant me to have it, I felt assured it was rightfully mine. Having proof, as I supposed, that there was no blood relative living to whom, as the policy read, the money could revert, I consulted the agent of the insurance company and his lawyer, but they told me that according to the laws regulating their company, my claim was absolutely void, and that the money would never be paid to me. I stated the whole case to a Christian Science practitioner, and through his help obtained a clearer perception of the immutable workings of the divine law of Love. Fear was calmed, and I wondered what Truth's leading would be, but felt that I would be guided and directed, irrespective of human law. A few weeks later I was led to employ a lawyer who had been successful in similar cases. Following this lawyer's direction, I was appointed by the court to receive the money as administrator. Then, like a bolt out of a clear sky, a letter was received from a direct relative of the beneficiary named in the policy, and it certainly appeared, according to mortal testimony, as if the money my husband intended me to have would be paid to some one else; in fact, it seemed to be an end of the affair.

After a careful and prayerful introspection of what life's treasures really are, and a loving desire for justice such as Christian Science alone teaches us, I wrote to the claimant, stating the case, and in reply received a sworn release of the policy, and this was enclosed in a most sympathetic letter. As administratrix I received the money from the insurance company, and this experience has inspired an abiding trust in the far-reaching activity of divine Mind, which meets "every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494).—

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