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Testimonies of Healing

It is without hesitation that I place...

From the April 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is without hesitation that I place on record, in plain and unvarnished language, the debt of gratitude I owe Christian Science. In First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johannesburg, I have often expressed the gratitude I owe Mrs. Eddy for her beautiful teachings, which rescued me from a condition of degradation and vice to one of supreme joy and contentment. Some three and a half years ago I was a chronic victim of the drink habit, and had arrived at such a stage of mental depression and moral depravity that I sought only the dark places of the earth', and shunned the society of my fellow creatures, desiring only the end, but lacking the courage to make my exit from this mortal plane in a manner the world fallaciously regards as manly. I considered myself the most miserable man on earth, having fallen from a position of some importance in the history and development of the goldfields in this country, to that of a wretched pariah of the streets.

One day I was accosted by an old friend, and on my relating my unhappy condition he begged me to visit the reading-room of the Christian Science church on the following day, and have a talk with his wife, who was on duty and in charge of the reading-room. At first profoundly ignorant of anything connected with the new revelation of Truth, I only derided the idea, and sneered at the possibility of deriving help from such a source. The following morning, however, I presented myself at the reading-room for an interview with my friend's wife, whom I had also regarded as a friend long ago.

It was my usual habit to fortify myself with strong drink the first thing in the morning, before commencing my usual round of profitless and useless wanderings, but I had retained sufficient self-respect not to appear before this lady with indications of drink about me, though my sufferings were consequently intense. After a few words of ordinary conversation the lady remarked that I was trembling; so then I told her that I had not had my usual quantity of stimulant that morning, which I considered necessary to bring me up to my normal condition, and that at this moment I was a nervous wreck. I only desired a speedy termination of the interview, when I should at once adjourn to a bar and take what would soon put me right. The pity in her face somewhat disconcerted me, but I was obedient to her wish that I should remain quiet a little while. I turned over the leaves of a Bible, while she herself read from a book which I know now was a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. Silence remained between us only a few minutes, when I could perceive my condition was undergoing some wonderful change for the better, and a feeling of comfort and soothing seemed to pervade my whole being. I was then asked if I would care to come to the service on the morrow. On replying that I did not care to give my word, as it was more than probable I would break it, she said she was sorry, as she knew that if I promised I would come. This confidence and trust decided me, and I said I would come, so with farewell greetings I departed.

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