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From the June 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Close to every Christian Science church nestles the nursery of the church, with the silent but insistent appeal of our babes in years. How are we equipped to meet this appeal, being yet babes ourselves in the new teaching? is a question which insistently presses itself upon the thoughtful. Yet for this, as for other needs which may arise in this rapidly growing movement, our Leader, as the result of her inspired vision, has made due provision. Referring to the Manual of The Mother Church (Art. XX, Sects. 2-4), we find recommendations which open up an ample field of opportunity, and offer full scope to meet varying conditions and ages without straying either to the right or to the left from the direct line of the vital teaching committed to us as Christian Scientists, namely, the absolute Science contained in all divine revelation to mankind.

First is the direct statement that the children shall be taught the Scriptures according to their ability and understanding. Then follows an indication of what portions of Scripture should be the fundamental basis of all teaching; namely, the ten commandments, the Lord's Prayer and its spiritual interpretation, and the beatitudes as found in Matt, v. 3-12. This instruction is not to be by mere verbal reiteration and committal to memory, which, alas, is likely to lapse into that alone, if such Scripture be not spiritually discerned and made intelligible by fitting illustration and practical application. The Scriptures abound with facts and incidents which serve to illustrate the portions set apart for special study in the Sunday school, and when presented in words comprehensible to the mental and spiritual capacity of the pupils, every grade of maturity and intelligence may be interested and instructed. The facts of revealed truth, presented in allegory, history, commandment, precept, and prophecy, when illumined with the afflatus of the teacher's divine anointing, will quicken the hearts and minds of the children and lead to that character building which shall prove to be the foundation-stones of the new Jerusalem of St. John's vision. The Bible was the source from which the teaching of our text-book was drawn, and through its patient and inspired study Mrs. Eddy was able to frame that key which so wondrously aids us in the apprehension of the truth of being.

The fact that in all the centuries revelations of truth have come to those who were open to receive them, makes the compilation called the Bible of immense moment to mankind. It has been the preserver of the spiritual intuitions of the saints since the beginnings of history. Its survival has proven its divine purpose, and despite the many misinterpretations which have obscured its spiritual meaning, at least partially, since the advent of Christianity, it has become the accepted foundation of all jurisprudence, right government, and of every lasting achievement for the benefit of mankind. Teeming with grand characters which stand out as mountain-peaks along the historic range of truth's unfoldment, it has lived, and will live, to surmount the handicap of material sense which has utterly failed to convey the inner, spiritual meaning.

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