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Testimonies of Healing

I thank God every hour of the day...

From the June 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I thank God every hour of the day for what He has done for me, and am grateful to our dear Leader for showing us the way to the Christ-healing through Christian Science. In the spring of 1911 I was feeling very poorly and quite depressed, was losing flesh, had no appetite, and there was a markedly run-down condition of the system. In the mean time I discovered a painful enlargement in my left side, below the waist line. I went to our family physician for treatment, who examined me and said there was an obstruction of the bowels, told me what to do, and gave me medicine to take. I followed his directions for three weeks, but was no better, and the enlargement was increasing very rapidly. I then went to a very eminent physician and surgeon who was a stranger to me. He looked at the side, then called in another doctor, and they both pronounced the trouble a malignant growth and said medicine could not reach it. They also said there could be no operation performed; all that could be done would be to use the X-ray.

The first of these doctors wanted my son to call at his office that afternoon, which he did, and the doctor told him that the growth was very large, that nothing could be done except to administer an opiate to deaden the pain, but that my time would not be long. I telephoned to my daughter, who lived in Rockford and was a Christian Scientist, to come to me, and in riding over from the train my son told her what the doctor had said to him. She then asked him why we did not try Christian Science, but he replied that he had no use for it. She asked what he intended to do, and after thinking a while, he said: "Let. mother decide for herself." My daughter came in and denied the mortal evidence, and before she left for her home I said I was going to take Christian Science treatment, and made an appointment for the next day.

In my first treatment I was assured by that humble and faithful disciple of Christ that I would be healed, as I was God's child, and I believed what she said, never doubting for a moment. I took treatment daily for thirteen days, and on the Sunday before Memorial day, 1911, I lay down and had a very refreshing sleep of an hour or more. When I awoke I felt that my clothing was saturated, and I called to my granddaughter to assist me in removing it. She asked her father to send for the doctor, but I said there was no need to send for any one—I knew that I was healed! The outward evidence which presented itself was an incision three inches long, with a deep gap in the center,and it was as straight and smooth as though from a surgeon's knife.

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