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From the June 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With a growing appreciation of the qualities inherent in the child nature, the student of Christian Science understands how it was that Jesus esteemed childlikeness as one of the conditions essential to entrance into the kingdom of God, divine Truth; and one of the things that Christian Science does for those who become interested in it, is to awaken and increase their love for the little ones. In order to advance our own spiritual growth, we realize the importance of acquiring those qualities which we are told gain an entrance to that heavenly state of consciousness defined by Jesus as the kingdom of heaven within.

No one can linger among children without observing their eagerness to learn, their willingness to be taught. Indeed, their enthusiasm and pleasure in acquiring knowledge is often sadly lacking in those of more mature years. This sincere desire to learn is surely a prerequisite to spiritual education. It is deeply significant that after Jesus had given the seventy power to meet all the opposition of the enemy, and they had returned to him rejoicing because even the evil spirits were subject unto them, he still saw need to give them a warning against the blindness of human wisdom, saying in exultation, "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes."

To be willing to be taught of the Father, to put our hand trustingly in His, to surrender confidently and unreservedly to the One who knows infinitely better than do we, and indeed the only One who can know aright,— this absolute surrender precedes opportunity. When a mother takes her babe in her arms, it trusts confidingly, never fearing lest it may fall, because the enfolding arms give a sense of protection and security; there is a perfect reliance for the fulfilment of every need. And may we not as fully confide in the infinite Father-Mother love which tenderly broods over us and responds to our faintest call?

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