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[Written for the Journal]


From the June 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The morning smiles across the sea,
And night's dark frowns like shadows flee
Before the golden glance of day;
While through an open window floats
A song of joy, whose silver notes
Drive sorrow's mists away.
A waiting hush—the song is done,
A day of blessed toil begun;
The singer bows in silent prayer;
God's minister of love is he,
To heal the sick and set men free
And preach the gospel everywhere.

And now appear a fair-winged throng
Of angel-thoughts, that sweep along
The sacred silences of Mind;
And each upon its silver wings
A token of God's blessing brings
That Love divine has sealed and signed.
Beholding, then, the bright array,
His own right thoughts speed on their way
As heralds to the mortal man,—
To wake from dreams of pain and sin
And let the heavenly hosts come in,
And thus fulfil God's holy plan.

One joy-winged thought goes forth to end
The sorrow-slavery of a friend;
Another to a bed of pain
Is sent, a gift of health to bear;
And one is bid the truth declare,
And prove that error's claims are vain.
Compassion-winged, one tender thought
Gives up the blessing it has brought,
And rouses from his drunken dream
A noble man whose life will bless
The world with deeds of righteousness,
Reflecting rays of Love supreme.

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