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Testimonies of Healing

I have much reason to be grateful...

From the June 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have much reason to be grateful for the blessings I have received through Christian Science. I was undergoing confinement in an asylum for the second time, and suffering from melancholy brought on by the drink habit and a violent temper, when the subject of Christian Science came under my notice. My wife had a severe nervous breakdown, accompanied by great depression, about three months after I left home. Having heard about Science, she took treatment from a practitioner, who at her request also gave me absent treatment, keeping me supplied with the literature of the movement. I made this my constant study, and on being discharged, "recovered," in June, 1911, nine months afterward, my sufferings from asthma and serious heart trouble had left me. My former cravings for drink had also gone, together with the tobacco habit. I at once began to attend the Sunday services, also the experience meetings on Wednesday evenings, and became a constant visitor to the reading room. My wife has likewise greatly improved, and we find great help in reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." We fully realize our indebtedness to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, through whom God has brought anew the Christ-healing to us. Assuredly, "divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494).

Christian Science has certainly done much for me, whereof I am truly glad. For more than thirty years I had been searching for a concept of God that would satisfy my spiritual cravings, one that would harmonize with reason and remove doubts and fears; therefore divine Science, coming to me at such a critical juncture in my history, presents itself as the green oasis in the desert of my experience. Its teachings bring to me a happiness, a peace, a spiritual repose far surpassing aught that has hitherto come across my mental vision. In addition to the Bible I have now Science and Health as a daily companion, and in the light of its teachings I discover that "old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

I feel deeply thankful, too, that God sent to the world such a spiritual teacher as our revered Leader. With the Word of God as my guide I will not fear, knowing that Truth and Love will help me to rid my consciousness of all that is unlike God, good. Truly may I close by saying, He doeth all things well.—

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