I want to tell what Christian Science has done for me. In the year 1897 I was taken ill with rheumatism, which ran on a few years and then dropsy set in. I was confined to my bed for eight years, hardly able to move. My joints were all stiff, so that I had to be handled and fed like a child. My knees were in such a condition that I could not move them, and the doctors told me I could never move them again. I had several large bunches on my body, and I also suffered from an abscess, which one doctor wanted to operate on, but I would not let him. I had to sit up in a rocking-chair for four years, wishing every day was my last. I had tried doctor after doctor, but all to no avail, as they gave me no encouragement that I would ever be any better. Finally we moved to town to try another kind of treatment, but it only made me worse.
One day a Christian Science lady called on me and spoke to me of how people were cured by Christian Science. I did not believe her, but consented to try this treatment, and she asked a practitioner to take the case. At that time I could sleep only a few minutes at a time, but after the first treatment I went to bed and slept well all night. After taking six treatments I returned to the farm and began to do some light work.
It has been four years since I took up Christian Science, and I have gradually improved ever since. My joints have loosened up, and my knees are all right. The bunches on my body have all disappeared, as well as the abscess. I do most of my housework and sewing, and have done some sewing for others. I never get tired any more, as I used to do. I bought a copy of Science and Health, which I study faithfully, and have had some good demonstrations in my family. Only as we endeavor to live in accordance with what this book teaches, can we begin to pay our debt to God and to her whom He has sent to make plain to human understanding the life and teachings of Christ Jesus.—Fairmont, Minn.