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Testimonies of Healing

Some time ago I had such a convincing...

From the December 1914 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Some time ago I had such a convincing proof of the protecting power of divine Love that I esteem it a duty as well as a privilege to give my experience to the field. I was passing the evening with some friends, and when I started for home, my host accompanied me. When but a short distance from his house we had to cross a boulevard thronged with automobiles. I advised waiting till the road was free, but being impulsive, he grasped me firmly by the arm and rushed across the way. I had no sense of fear, or doubt of safety, and was holding strongly to the thought that evil has no power.

I remember thinking we had reached the curb, and then I knew nothing more till I was picked up and set on my feet with the question, "Are you hurt?" I replied that I was not, and asked what had happened. I then learned that we had both been knocked down by an automobile. My friend was so seriously injured that he passed away within an hour. I had been thrown under the machine and the wheels had passed over my ankles so that they were quite black and bore plainly the marks of the rubber tires. I was, literally speaking, bruised from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. However, not a bone had been broken, and I was able to go alone to my friend's home to prepare the family for what had happened. The next day being Sunday, I drove to church as usual with our family.

Many friends, together with an old surgeon who knew of the case, considered my escape nothing short of a miracle. From the moment I regained consciousness, I was sure my protection was due to the ever-present loving care of our Father-Mother God, who holds His children forever free from mortal touch, for man can never be separated for a moment from His Maker and keeper, God. It is now over two years since the accident, and during that time I have never suffered any discomfort or inconvenience in consequence of that experience. —

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