In December, 1910, 1 had a sudden attack of illness, which soon became much worse. As it was Sunday, I was unable to get a message to a Christian Science practitioner until the following day. By that time I was in bondage to what is known as rheumatic fever, with swelling and great pain in both hands and feet, and was delirious. At first absent treatment had been given me, but with the practitioner's return, the symptoms soon abated and I was greatly improved, for the swelling was reduced and the temperature became normal by the end of the first week. Owing, however, to the fear of my wife and family circle, which was added to by public knowledge of the case and constant inquiries of customers and friends, it was thought best to have medical aid.
When the doctor came he pronounced it a decided case of rheumatic fever; but he said that the worst was over. He prescribed a diet and sent medicine, and ordered my hands (which were at that time showing the only symptoms left) to be wrapped in cotton wool; but this was not done, neither did I change my diet, but ate whatever I desired. For the satisfaction of the others I took one dose of medicine, which only made me very much worse; so I decided I would not take any more, but would trust absolutely to Christian Science. The doctor, seeing that I was neither following his instructions nor taking the medicine, ceased coming; but although the fear and adverse thought were all around me, I continued to improve, and in five weeks I was out again. By the end of another week I walked a distance of six miles into the country on business, without the aid of a stick and in very bad weather, with no ill results.
This complaint was considered to be hereditary in my family, on both sides, my sister having had severe attacks on two occasions, when she was in bed for three or four months, and for weeks thereafter was unable to do anything for herself. I consider my experience to be a very speedy and satisfactory case of healing in Christian Science, for which I am deeply thankful to God, and it has caused me to have no fear of placing myself under the care of a Christian Science practitioner if I found that I was unable to handle the case myself. I have remained perfectly well ever since, and am in better health, and better in every way, than I ever was in my life, all of which I attribute to the healing power of Truth.—Stoke-on-Trent, England.