In a spirit of deep gratitude I wish to tell of how I was led into the study of Christian Science. The Bible tells us that "a little child shall lead them," and this was surely proven to us, as our initial experience in the healing efficacy of Christian Science was in the case of our little son, then an infant of six weeks.
The child's eyes had become seriously affected at birth, and although an eminent physician and also an eye specialist of Chicago did all in their power to relieve this condition, and the little one had almost constant attention given in the way of washing and material remedies, at the end of six weeks the eyes were in a worse condition than at first, and it was feared that blindness would result. In addition to this, the child was in a deplorable condition, for he weighed less than he did at birth, and also suffered from a serious stomach trouble. All who saw him passed a like verdict,—that he would not live.
It was just at this time that we found it necessary to change our abode from Chicago to St. Louis. It was our intention to procure the services of some well-recommended eye specialist there, but divine Love was caring for us and had a better fate in store for our beloved child. Upon arriving, some relatives who were Christian Scientists met us at the train, and then spent the remainder of the evening with us. Knowing how bitterly opposed we were to what we supposed Christian Science to be, these loving disciples of Christ withheld mentioning this subject to us, although quite naturally they realized what the understanding of Truth could do for this little sufferer. The following morning we were amazed to see the remarkable change which had taken place in the condition of the eyes. Ordinarily it was necessary to wash away the disagreeable discharge from the lids before the eyes could be opened, but this morning the eyes were open and the babe greeted us with a smile. To us it seemed almost unbelievable.