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Testimonies of Healing

About four years ago I was awakened...

From the September 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About four years ago I was awakened to the necessity of proving Christian Science in my daily life, instead of using it merely as a remedy in time of illness. Christian Science had been in our home for a number of years, but I had studied it very little, and the basic demand for spiritual growth had never been brought out for me until I wished very much to help a friend. Then, upon taking almost my first mental inventory, I found my dishonesty and great lack. I had been sickly from childhood, and grew more so when entering womanhood, so that I became almost an invalid. I missed much of every school term because of illness, could not walk far without being very weak, and could not be depended upon to help my mother with the housework as I should.

As I began, however, earnestly to study all our Christian Science literature, and to send only loving, pure thoughts to every one, with a great desire constantly for growth in grace, my physical condition gradually began to improve. I had treatment, too, from a number of faithful practitioners, and this strengthened me greatly and kept me from growing discouraged. When my baby girl was born I had Christian Science treatment and nursing, and as a result was about my room in three days, took my meals down-stairs with the rest of the household after the fifth day, and when the baby was ten days old I walked eight blocks to visit the practitioner, and the eight blocks back again, without being at all fatigued.

Ever since that time my health has been of the best. The spiritual uplift given me during this last experience, together with the destruction of so many of my old fears, enabled me to put on the "new man" in a sufficient measure to remove the last of the old complaints.

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