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Testimonies of Healing

I am very grateful for what Christian Science...

From the September 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am very grateful for what Christian Science is doing for me and my family, and I send these few words in the hope of helping some one. A mother said to me a short time ago: "Do you trust your little boy to Christian Science treatment? I should think you would be afraid, when he is ill." Before I came into Christian Science I was afraid all the time, but now that I know the truth I realize I have nothing to fear. The study of the Bible and our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, has healed me of all fear.

When my little boy was two years old he developed what is known as congenital dislocation of the hip. He was operated on, and although he was helped, it was not until we became interested in Science that he grew strong and was free from lameness and nervousness. The past winter he was healed of membranous croup and measles, both being manifested at the same time. I called a practitioner, and the healing was so sure that he was soon back in school.

My husband suffered from rheumatism every spring for a number of years. Two years ago he turned to Christian Science for help and was healed in two treatments. He was back at business in five days, and he has had no return of the ailment. He was also cured of smoking by reading our text-book. This change came gradually; for as the truth came into his consciousness, the desire for tobacco, the false appetite, left him.

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