With a heart full of gratitude I want to tell others what Christian Science has done for my family. Two and a half years ago we were living in a small town where there were no Christian Scientists, but a Christian Science practitioner came to visit her sister there. I called on her, and immediately became interested in this truth that makes free from all discordant conditions. I had been a delicate child, and as I grew older was under a physician's care the greater part of the time. Before coming into Science I had been at the hospital four times and had undergone three operations; but with it all I suffered for ten years from nervousness that seemed unbearable. After a week's treatment in Christian Science the nervousness was overcome and many other ailments gave way. Chronic bowel disorder also disappeared.
That God's word is "quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword," was proved to me when our son, then eight years old, brought home a card from the school physician, stating he had a nasal obstruction. I went to work for him in Science, and on the evening of the fifth day the obstruction, a piece of flesh, was dislodged. As I had difficulty in overcoming the hemorrhages that started when he cleared his nostrils, I asked the help of a practitioner, and the healing was complete in a few days. Our older boy, who had had frequent attacks of a throat trouble, from which he suffered from one to three weeks at a time when using material remedies, was given Christian Science treatment during the last attack, and was completely healed in three days. Many other discordant conditions have been overcome, including severe colds.
For all of these healings, and for the spiritual uplift, I am thankful to God, as well as grateful to Mrs. Eddy and the loving Christian Scientists who have helped me gain a better understanding of this saving truth. I am also deeply grateful for all the Christian Science literature. —Kansas City, Mo.