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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my gratitude...

From the December 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings which have come to me since taking up the study of Christian Science. Having always been bound by fear and from childhood frail and nervous, as the years passed I was fast becoming an invalid. In childhood my mother had instilled in me a great faith in our heavenly Father and had taught me that "the prayer of faith shall save the sick;" yet she also had said it seemed probable I had inherited such frailty and must submit, though why, neither of us could see.

About ten years ago Christian Science was brought to my attention, and while in Minneapolis under the care of an osteopath I consented to call on a Christian Scientist; but not finding her at home, I made no further effort and later became greatly prejudiced against what I was told was Christian Science. Again being in Minneapolis, for I often had to go away from home for change and rest, I attended Christian Science services and became greatly interested in the help my sisters and friends had received through their study of Science and Health. I also decided that this teaching was not what I had supposed, a fad, but was a better understanding of God's laws, and if so I wanted to know more of it. I now see that God was leading me on. I bought a new Bible and a copy of Science and Health, also a Quarterly, before returning to my home in North Dakota. With the loving help of friends I soon found Christian Science to be what I had been looking for — a practical religion, to be used every day and for "every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494). With three little children, over whom I watched "with great fear, it was necessary to turn completely around and leave all to God, knowing that He would care for them with all wisdom and love.

The past eight years have been filled with steady climbing, — out of fear and care into freedom and light and joy. In the fall of 1914 I was suddenly taken with great stiffness and found it difficult to get up or lie down; and one day I was so bloated that the usual clothing could not be worn. These conditions would come and go, till at last it became clear to me that fear was blinding me more than I supposed; then suddenly I was taken very ill and those about me seemed anxious. The second night I was attacked with terrible pain and could not move at all. A friend sat with me all night and together we declared the truth of being. It seemed best during the night to telephone to a Christian Science practitioner in a near-by town, and again in the morning asking her to come, for the conditions remained the same and my husband thought the end was near. I was so grateful to him for not calling a doctor, as that was his desire. After the practitioner came there was only one severe attack of pain during the twenty-four hours she remained with me.

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