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Testimonies of Healing

I should like to express my gratitude...

From the December 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I should like to express my gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me and mine. It would be impossible for me to tell of the many difficulties which have been overcome through this healing truth. One Tuesday afternoon my son, aged ten years, developed a swollen gland. He said he would work for himself, and as he had done very good work in Science for both himself and others, I gave my consent. On Wednesday morning the other side was swollen; in fact, the swellings were so great that he was disfigured, so I told him I had better help him, and did so. By Saturday he was perfectly healed. I was very grateful for this healing, because before we came into Science he had one gland swollen for months, while we applied all sorts of remedies, and in the end he had to have it operated on.

I have often wondered how I could have met my problems without Christian Science to help me. From being a constant sufferer I have become an absolutely well woman. Christian Science has shown me how to understand the Bible, and gives that peace which passes understanding.—

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